Other Books by Page Keeley
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science
Page Keeley and fellow NSTA Press authors, including her beloved co-author, Dr. Richard Konicek-Moran
This book is co-authored with Dr. Richard Konicek-Moran, professor emeritus from University of Massachusetts and a constructivist icon of over 65 years in science education who sadly passed away at the age of 86 in 2019. Dick had a major influence on Page’s work and they frequently referred to each other as their “muse”. Written with Keeley’s practitioner perspective and Dick’s research and theoretical perspective, this book explores what it really means to teach for conceptual understanding, including what it means to understand a concept; understanding the nature and history of science and science education; understanding students’ thinking; how the three dimensions support conceptual understanding; instructional models and strategies that support conceptual understanding; and the link between instruction, assessment, and learning. This book has been widely used in teacher preparation courses, professional development, and by individual educators who want to better understand teaching and learning in science. Click here for more information or to download a free chapter from the book. This book is also available through amazon.com.
Science Curriculum Topic Study 2nd Edition- Bridging the Gap Between Three-Dimensional Standards, Research, and Practice
Science Curriculum Topic Study Workshop at the Iowa Science Center in Des Moines, Iowa 2019
Curriculum Topic Study (CTS), co-authored with Page Keeley’s long-time colleague and co-presenter is published by Corwin Press and co-published by NSTA . CTS is a methodical study process that uses a common set of resources to help educators improve the teaching and learning of science- and STEM-related disciplines. CTS can be used with any set of state standards as well as with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). By using the CTS process, science and STEM educators can deepen their understanding of content as well as effective curriculum, instruction, and assessment that supports the new vision of science teaching and learning. Several of the resources used for the CTS study process are free, online, and others are widely used resources available through NSTA Press. The Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series is one of the optional resources used with CTS. The book also includes a section on how to develop your own formative assessment probes using the CTS study process. Workshops for science teachers and leaders can be scheduled through the NSTA Professional Development program. Visit the Science Curriculum Topic Study - Second Edition web site for more information.
What Are They Thinking? Promoting Elementary Learning Through Formative Assessment
Giving away a copy of the book after a presentation at NSTA’s Atlanta conference
This book for teachers in grades K-6 received the Revere Award from the PreK-12 Learning Group, American Association of Publishers. The book features a collection of the first 30 articles on using formative assessment probes written for NSTA’s Science and Children journal. Each chapter features an article that describes how the teacher used a probe, what they teacher learned about his or her students from using the probe, and the instructional decisions the teacher made to advance students’ learning. Each chapter is also accompanied with study guide questions which can be used by professional learning groups, book studies, and teacher preparation courses. A link to a downloadable copy of the probe featured in the article is provided with each chapter so that the book also includes 30 ready to use formative assessment probes from the collection of books in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series. Click here for more information and a free downloadable chapter from NSTA Press- Chapter 11- Pushes and Pulls. This book is also available from amazon.