This is the third book in the Uncovering Student Ideas series. Click on the button for the NSTA Press description of the book and free downloadable Introductory chapter and a sample probe with teachers notes (Pennies). This volume also includes three nature of science probes. The Introductory chapter for this volume provides an overview on using the probes for professional learning.
Probes, Suggested Grade Levels, Concepts, Related Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Purpose of the Probe:
1- Pennies (6-12); Atoms, properties of substances, properties of atoms; PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about properties of atoms. The probe is designed to uncover whether students distinguish between the microscopic properties of atoms and the macroscopic properties of substances. Type of Probe: Descriptor Justified List Probe (Concept-Based)
2- Is It a Solid? (2-5); solid, liquid, properties of matter; PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about solids. The probe is designed to uncover how students distinguish between solids and liquids. Type of Probe: Example/Non-Example Justified List Probe (Concept-Based)
3- Thermometer (6-12); thermometer, heat, temperature, kinetic molecular theory, thermal expansion; PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about particles. The probe is designed to uncover ideas about thermal expansion. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
4- Floating Balloon (5-12); kinetic molecular theory, gas, mass, properties of matter, density; PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about gases. The probe is designed to uncover students’ ideas about the mass of a gas. Type of Probe: Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
5- Hot and Cold Balloons (5-12); conservation of matter, kinetic molecular theory, gas, properties of matter, mass; PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about particles. The probe is designed to uncover whether students conserve mass when the temperature of a gas changes. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe, P-E-O Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
6- Mirror on the Wall (5-12); reflection, mirror; PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the reflection of light on a mirror. The probe is designed to uncover how students think we see an image in a mirror. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe, P-E-O Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
7- Batteries, Bulbs, and Wires (3-12); complete circuit, electric energy; PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about complete circuits. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about the path of electric current through a lightbulb. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe, P-E-0 Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
8- Apple on the Desk (6-12); force, balanced force, gravity, normal force; PS2.A: Forces and Motion; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about forces. The probe is designed to uncover whether students recognize the balanced forces that act on a stationary object. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
9- Rolling Marbles (5-12); force, inertia, Newton’s first law, circular motion; PS2.A: Forces and Motion; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about circular motion. The probe is designed to uncover how students think an object will move if no outside force is acting on it. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe, P-E-O Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
10- Dropping Balls (5-12); force, gravity, acceleration, mass; PS2.A: Forces and Motion; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about falling objects. The probe is designed to uncover how students think objects of different weights or masses will fall. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe, P-E-O Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
11- Is It a Theory? (6-12); scientific theory, scientific law; Nature of Science; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the nature of science. The probe is designed to uncover whether students distinguish the scientific word, theory, from the common everyday use of the word, theory. Type of Probe: Ideas Inventory Justified List Probe (Concept-Based)
12- Doing Science (5-12); scientific investigation, experiment; Nature of Science; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the nature of science. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about the ways scientists do their work. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Concept-Based)
13- What Is a Hypothesis? (6-12); hypothesis; Nature of Science; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the nature of science. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about hypotheses. Type of Probe: Descriptor Justified List Probe (Concept-Based)
14- Does It Have a Life Cycle? (3-8); life cycle, growth and development; LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about life cycles of organisms. The probe is designed to uncover whether students recognize that all multicellular organisms have a life cycle. Type of Probe: Example/Non-Example Justified List Probe (Concept-Based)
15- Cells and Size (6-12); cells, cell size, micrometer; LS1.A: Structure and Function; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about cells. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about the relative size of cells. Type of Probe: Example/Non-Example Justified List Probe. (Concept-Based)
16- Sam’s Puppy (5-12); cell division, growth and development, transformation of matter; LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about growth. The probe is designed to uncover whether students recognize growth as a result of cell division. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
17- Respiration (5-12); cellular respiration, respiration, respiratory system; LS1.A: Structure and Function; LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about respiration. The probe is designed to uncover whether students realize that all organisms use the process of respiration. Type of Probe: Example/Non-Example Justified List (Concept-Based)
18- Rotting Apple (3-8); decay, decomposers, microbes; LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about decomposition. The probe is designed to uncover whether students recognize microscopic biological agents are responsible for decay. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
19- Earth’s Mass (5-12); conservation of matter; matter cycling, decay; LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the cycling of matter. The probe is designed to uncover how students use conservation of matter reasoning on a global scale. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
20- What Are Clouds Made Of? (3-6); clouds, condensation; water cycle, water vapor; ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about clouds. The probe is designed to uncover what students think clouds are made of. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Concept and Phenomenon-Based)
21- Where Did the Water Come From? (3-8); condensation, evaporation, water vapor; ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about condensation. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about condensation phenomena. Type of Probe: Familiar Phenomenon Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
22- Rainfall (3-8); clouds, gravity, precipitation, rain, water cycle; ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about precipitation. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about rainfall. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
23- Summer Talk (5-12); Earth-Sun system, seasons; ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the seasons. The probe is designed to uncover students’ reasoning about why it is warmer in summer than in winter. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
24- Me and My Shadow (3-8); Earth-Sun system, shadows; ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the Sun-Earth system. The probe is designed to uncover how students think about shadow size throughout the day. Type of Probe: Type of Probe: Phenomenon-Based Friendly Talk Probe, P-E-O Probe (Phenomenon-Based)
25- Where Do Stars Go? (3-8); Stars; ESS1.A: The Universe and the Stars; The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about stars. The probe is designed to uncover where students think stars are in the daytime. Type of Probe: Friendly Talk Probe (Phenomenon-Based)